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Table Of Content:
- IBM C2090-424 exam tips
- IBM C2090-424 exam details
- IBM C2090-424 Exam process and Exam Path
- IBM C2090-424 exam dumps (pdf + vce)
- Free sharing of IBM C2090-424 practice test questions
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Latest update IBM C2090-424 exam tips
How to get high exam returns! You need to study hard, take the exam, and then successfully pass the exam to get a good job! I am an IBM Certified Solution Developer Exam Expert. Next, how to easily pass the exam, I will share with you! After passing the IBM Certified Solution Developer certification exam,
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IBM C2090-424 exam details
- Vendor: IBM
- Exam Code: C2090-424
- Exam Name: InfoSphere DataStage v11.3
- Certification: IBM Certified Solution Developer
- Total Questions: 64 Q&A
- Exam Language: English
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IBM C2090-424 Exam process and Exam Path
This certification demonstrates that the successful candidate has important knowledge and skills necessary to professionally design and develop an efficient and scalable DataStage solution to a complex enterprise-level business problem; configure a scalable parallel environment including clustered and distributed configurations; collect, report on, and resolve issues identified through key application performance indicators;
be proficient in extending the capabilities of the parallel framework using the provided APIs (build-ops and wrappers).
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leads4pass IBM C2090-424 Exam Dumps (pdf + vce)
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IBM C2090-424 VCE practice format
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Get a part of IBM C2090-424 exam practice questions for free: The latest IBM C2090-424 exam practice questions can help you improve your skills and chances of success. You can study the test online. If you want to pass the IBM C2090-424 exam 100%, you should continue studying. We recommend using leads4pass dumps.
Free sharing of IBM C2090-424 exam practice questions (1-13)
Which Connector Stage doesn\\’t support reject Link
A. DB2 Connector
B. ODBC Connector
C. Oracle Connector
D. Netezza Connector
Correct Answer: B
Reject links are not supported by any connectivity source stage. This includes the Px Sybase, Px ODBC, Px DB2Z, Px
Classic Federation stages,Px DB2 and Px Oracle stages.
For very large records, you may need to set the following environment variable with an appropriate value in order to
allow the job to run successfully:
Correct Answer: D
Which type of data can be extracted using the Unstructured Data stage?
A. XML data
B. Microsoft Word data
C. Microsoft Excel data
D. BigInsights HDFS file data
Correct Answer: C
Which of the following are valid stage options for a parallel DataStage job which uses a configuration file with multiple
nodes and a File Connector as a source running in parallel mode? (Choose two.)
A. Provide a specific file name in the file name property.
B. In the file name property, provide a file name with a wildcard that matches the existing file names.
C. Provide a specific file name in the file name property and select the option “Number of Readers Per Node” to be
greater than 1.
D. Set the read method with specific file(s), set the Read From Multiple Nodes = yes, and provide the specific file in the
file property.
E. Set the read method with a file pattern and provide a file name with a wildcard that matches the existing filenames in
the file pattern property.
Correct Answer: CD
The encrypt. sh, or the encrypt.bat script can be used to do which of the following?
A. Secure sensitive personal data
B. To set up credentials files used by the job command
C. Assisting in decoding encrypted rows of input during debugging
D. Assisting in preparing encrypted rows of output during job execution
Correct Answer: D
Archive files can contain assets from multiple exports of multiple tools. When importing into a project from an archive file
with the tool command, which order of asset types below would yield the best performance?
A. Users and groups, Common metadata, InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets, Reports, Custom attributes
for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog
B. Common metadata, Users and groups, Custom attributes for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog,
InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets, Reports
C. Common metadata, Users and groups, Custom attributes for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog,
InfoSphere Data Stage and QualityStage assets
D. Users and groups, Common metadata, InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage assets, Custom attributes for
InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog, Reports
Correct Answer: A
A Parameter Set is a named object that can contain which of the following?
A. Multiple parameters and only one value file
B. Only one parameter and only one value file
C. Multiple parameters and multiple value files
D. Only one parameter and multiple value files
Correct Answer: D
Consider a customer with multiple environments, Development, Test, and Production. Which statement is TRUE?
A. Each environment must have a C++ compiler.
B. QualityStage rule sets are not a type of deployable asset.
C. It is not possible to revert to a previous version of a package.
D. A package can contain an improved version of a job which will replace the old one.
Correct Answer: B
You want to retain the record with the largest value in the total amount column for each CustID and ProductType using
a Remove Duplicates stage. How can this be accomplished?
A. Hash partition on the total amount. Sort on CustID, ProductType and total amount
B. Hash partition on ProductType. Sort on CustID, ProductType and total amount
C. Hash partition on CustID and ProductType. Sort on CustID, ProductType and total amount
D. Hash partition on CustID, ProductType and total amount. Sort on CustID, ProductType and total amount
Correct Answer: C
Which statement about shared containers is TRUE?
A. A shared container is an independently compiled unit
B. A local container can be converted to a shared container
C. A shared container can be converted to a local container
D. A container cannot be created by selecting a group of stages and links in a job
Correct Answer: B
Which stages will require a schema file when runtime column propagation (RCP) is enabled? (Choose two.)
A. Data Set
B. Column Import
C. Internal Source
D. External Target
E. Make Sub record
Correct Answer: BD
Which one of the following is an implicit data type conversion?
A. date -> char
B. char -> date
C. varchar -> char
D. char -> timestamp
Correct Answer: D
Which of the following will determine the running row number within a group?
A. Insert an Aggregator stage, hashing on the key column, prior to the Transformer stage
B. Use a Surrogate Key Generator stage to generate the running row number prior to the Transformer stage
C. Use a Remove Duplicates stage prior to the Transformer stage based on the key column, with the Duplicate set to
retain = last option
D. Use a Sort stage prior to the Transformer stage based on the key break column. Then, use the LastRowinGroup()
function to determine the last row in a group
Correct Answer: D
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